Vi söker dig som har universitets- eller högskoleutbildning inom data- eller systemvetenskap el. annan utbildning.
You have a PhD, MSc or BSc in Computer Engineering, or equivalent.
You have an MSc or BSc in Software Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalent.
Du har en akademisk utbildning inom IT eller motsvarande kunskaper förvärvade genom arbetslivserfarenhet.
You are a student working towards a Bachelors or Masters degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering.
You have a Bachelor's or Master’s in Software Engineering or equivalent experience.
Vi söker dig som har eftergymnasial utbildning inom IT alternativt ha förvärvad motsvarande kompetens genom arbetslivserfarenhet.
Vi söker dig som har eftergymnasial utbildning inom IT alternativt ha förvärvat motsvarande kompetens genom arbetslivserfarenhet.
You have an MSc in CS, EE or similar, or the same acquired by work experience.
You have a Bachelor’s degree in computer science, Engineering, or a related field.
You have a Bachelor's or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Electrical or Electronic Engineering or Wireless Communication or eq.
Du är antingen högskole-/civilingenjör eller har en KY-utbildning inom området som utbildningsbakgrund.
You have a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer or Electrical Engineering, or an equivalent technical field.
You have a BSc or higher equivalent education in Software Engineering, Computer Science or similar.
You have a master's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or related field.
You have a master’s or bachelor’s degree in computer science, Software Engineering, IT, or equivalent knowledge.
You have an MSc or BSc level in Computer Science, Software Engineering, IT or equivalent level of knowledge.
You have a bachelor's or master's in computer science, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Wireless Communication, or equivalent.
Du har en akademisk examen inom exempelvis cybersäkerhet, datateknik, datalogi, kryptologi, matematik eller fysik.
You have an academic education in IT and/or finance/accounting/economics or equivalent knowledge.
You have an MSc in Engineering Management, Computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical Engineering or related technical field.
You have an MSc or PhD in Engineering, Mathematics, Data Science, or equivalent.
You have a PhD, MSc. degree or equivalent, in Electrical or Computer Engineering or related.
You have an MSc or PhD degree in electrical engineering or physics or equivalent education.
Du har en civilingenjörsexamen, alternativt en examen inom systemvetenskap eller datavetenskap, eller motsvarande.
You have a Bachelor's or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Electrical or Electronic Engineering or Wireless Communication o.eq.
You have an MSc in Data Science, Data Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or a related field.
You have an MSc in Data Science, computer science or equivalent.
Du har akademisk examen inom informationsteknik, systemvetenskap, datateknik alternativt motsvarande kunskaper.
Du kommer tillhöra avdelningen Information Management & Technology (IM&T).
You have an BSc or MSc in the Engineering Field.
You have an MSc or PhD in Engineering Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, or equivalent.
You have an MSc in Wireless Communications, Electrical Engineering, or similar technical field.
Du har en akademisk examen inom datavetenskap, programmering, systemvetenskap eller motsvarande.
You have a BSc/MSc in engineering experience in Linux, SW close to HW, and systemization, ideally with ASIC knowledge.
You have a BSc or MSc in Industrial Engineering & Management, Computer Science, Information Technology or equivalent.
You have an MSc or PhD in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or equivalent.
Must-have: Master of Science in e.g. telecommunications, computer science or engineering physics.
You have an MSc or PhD in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Data Science, or equivalent.
You have a PhD or MSc in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or equivalent.
Education: MSc in engineering or similar and a mininum of 5 years of relevant experience.
Are you ready to shape the future of mobile and broadband communications?
We’re looking for an experienced Backend Lead to join our dynamic ASIC SoC team.
Education: M.Sc. or PhD in electrical engineering, embedded software, applied physics or equivalent.
You have a Master of Science in Engineering and a strong experience from programming.
We are looking for a System Developer with expertise in the Common Architecture Tier (CAT) domain.
The position is for a Software Tester who has expertise in the Common Architecture Tier (CAT) domain.
The position is for a Software Developer who has expertise in the Common Architecture Tier (CAT) domain.