Lämplig bakgrund är högskoleingenjörsutbildning inom maskinteknik eller motsvarande.
You have a B.Sc./B.Eng in Software Engineering or related field, or equivalent experience.
You have expertise in backend development, specialising in synthesis, STA, and power optimisation in semiconductors.
You have a university degree in Business, Marketing, Data Science or equivalent training/experience.
You have a university degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent education.
You have a BSc/MSc level in Computer Science or the equivalent level of knowledge.
Master of Science, Ph.D., Post-doc, or similar degrees in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering Physics, or equivalent.
You have an MSc level (or higher) in a technical field or the equivalent level of knowledge.
Du har disputerat inom systemteori, reglerteknik, robotik, tillämpad matematik, farkostteknik eller motsvarande inriktning.
Vi söker dig som har en femårig utbildning inom biokemi eller bioteknik.
Vi söker dig som är fordonstekniskt kunnig. Erfarenhet av felsökning, diagnostik, fordons-el samt mjukvara är meriterande.
Du är en utbildad civilingenjör alt. högskoleingenjör eller har annan för rollen relevant utbildningsbakgrund.
Du har relevant utbildning inom teknik/underhåll, ekonomi eller likande (minst 3-årig gymnasial utbildning).
You have an MSc (preferred) or BSc in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field.
You have FPGA coding experience of complex algorithms (5+ years of experience).
We are currently seeking young and curious professionals who want to be part of Baseband L1 software development for 5G and 6G.
You have an MSc or PhD in Electrical Engineering, Technical Physics, or equivalent.
You have a Master of Science, Ph.D. or similar degrees in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Engineering Physics or equivalent.
Vi söker dig som har en högskoleingenjörsutbildning inom elektronik, teknisk fysik eller inbyggda system.
Du Har en akademisk examen inom antingen IT, inbyggda system, datateknik, elektronik, IoT eller har förvärvat motsvarande kunskaper.
Du har en civilingenjörsutbildning inom elektroteknik eller teknisk fysik, alternativt har en examen inom ett annat relevant område.
Du är en civilingenjör inom elektronik, datavetenskap eller maskinteknik eller motsvarande som kan bedömas som relevant.
We are excited to see you bring a Master’s degree in a relevant field.
A BSc or MSc degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Wireless Communication, Electrical or Electronic Engineering or eq.
You have a BS/MS, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or similar with Proven experience.
You have a strong background in communications theory and digital signal processing and mathematics.
Education: Relevant higher education or equivalent work experience, ideally spanning both technology and business disciplines.
Vi söker dig som har relevant högskoleutbildning eller motsvarande kompetens.
En akademisk examen, gärna inom logistik, produktionsteknik, industriell ekonomi eller motsvarande, är meriterande.
At Ericsson, you’re not just an intern; you’re a vital part of our team. We encourage you to learn, lead, and make an impact.
At Ericsson, you’re not just an intern; you’re an essential part of our team. We empower you to learn, lead, and make an impact.
We are looking for Senior Security Developer to join an exciting new initiative in Ericsson.
You have an M.Sc. or Bachelor degree in relevant area or equivalent experience.
You have a PhD with work experience relevant to the above tasks or similar experience from industry.
Are you an exceptionally skilled and motivated researcher interested in developing cutting-edge technology for future radio networks?
You have a BSc level (MSc preferred) in a technical field or the equivalent level of knowledge.
You have an M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering, Communications Engineering or equivalent.
Are you our next newly graduated, curious software professional to build our Baseband Software for 5G and 6G?
You have a Master of Science degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Wireless Communication, Electrical or...