The skills you bring: Master/Bachelor of science/electronics or equivalent.
M.Sc./Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or related fields, preferably with industry experience in wireless communication.
Education: Degree in Computer Engineering, Cyber Security, or related field.
The skills you bring: PhD, MSc or BSc in Computer Engineering, or equivalent.
Du har en relevant högskoleutbildning eller erfarenhet som arbetsgivaren bedömer som likvärdig.
Qualifications: M.S. Degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or equivalent experience.
You have strong expertise in Automation with Python and Ansible.
Master of Science degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Wireless Communication, Applied Physics or a comp...
You have a minimum of 5 years of UI SW application design and development.
You have graduated with a minimum of B.Sc. or equivalent in electrical engineering or physics.
B.Sc./M.Sc. in a relevant area (e.g. within Electrical Engineering, Data communication, Computer Science, Software Engineering...
The skills you bring: B.Sc. or M.Sc. in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or similar.
+5 years of experience developing SW for Radio access network or built-in-SW for radio products for mobile communication.
Du har en högskole- eller civilingenjörsexamen inom datateknik eller informationsteknik, alternativt likvärdiga färdigheter.
Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter att ansvara för enhetens operativa förmåga vid både övningar och insatser.
Vi söker en person inom ledarskap som har minst två års erfarenhet av att ha lett operativ IT-förvaltning och resurser.
Som gruppchef ansvarar du för IT-förvaltningen av flera tjänster, primärt vårt ERP-system.
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or equivalent work experience.
Education: MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering or equivalent.
We believe you have an MSc or PhD in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Data Science, or equivalent.
You have a Master’s Degree or PhD in Electronic Engineering, providing a robust foundation for innovative problem-solving.
You have a broad technical competence in Ericsson Radio System and Ericsson Radio Site System products.
You have an MSc/BSc level in Computer Science or the equivalent level of knowledge.
You have 5+ years of experience in radio product development and proven leadership etc.
A Master of Science degree in Electronics/Electrical Engineering, Wireless Communication, Computer Science, or eq.
Du har akademisk utbildning inom datateknik eller datavetenskap alternativt har förvärvat motsvarande kunskap.
Core Skills: Digital transformation, AI, machine learning, and cloud solutions.
If you are passionate about data, analytics, and driving business success through insightful models, we want to hear from you!
The skills you bring: CEE10 design DGS, SDI3 upgrade, knowledge sharing and collaboration skills, SDI3 solution design etc.
As a Microsoft 365 architect, you will play a crucial role in designing, implementing, and optimizing our Microsoft 365 environment.
Du har en kandidat- eller masterexamen inom relevanta områden som datavetenskap, inbyggda system, elektronik eller liknande.
You have a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field.
You have 10+ years of experience in software development, with at least 3+ years in AI systems engineering.
You have a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field.
We are seeking talented Analog- and Digital- Designers to join our team in a Mixed Signal Top Level Verification Engineer role.
The skills you bring: MSc level in a technical field or the equivalent level of knowledge.
Do you want to be part of a team designing the architecture for Ericsson’s digital transformation?
Whether you specialize in design, verification, or both, you’ll play a crucial role in developing high-performance ASIC IPs and subsystems.
We’re seeking a highly Technical Program Manager with expertise in ASIC/SoC verification, automation, and EDA tools.
Your insights will help optimize ASIC SoC health and improve workload throughput across compute clusters and EDA tools.
We seek individuals with a background in ASIC IP/ASIC SoC development, DevOps, and CI/CD automation.
Vi söker dig som har en högskoleutbildning samt mycket goda kunskaper i tal och i synnerhet i skrift, på svenska och engelska.
You have a Master of Science degree in Electronics engineering or Computer science.
You have a Master’s or Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Engineering Physics, or related field.
Du har relevant eftergymnasial utbildning inom IT eller motsvarande kompetens förvärvad genom arbetslivserfarenhet.
Du har teknisk baskunskap inom drift av större IT-miljöer, IT- och nätverksteknik samt IT-säkerhetsarbete.
A relevant degree or equivalent experience in a related field, such as Business Administration, Computer Science, or Engineering, is pre...
Vi söker dig som har en högskoleingenjör- eller civilingenjörsutbildning inom relevant område, exempelvis Elektronik eller IT.
You have a BSc or MSc level in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalent experience.