You have an MSc or equivalent, with relevant work experience in areas such as sensor technology, computer architecture design.
Utbildning: Civilingenjörsutbildning inom Datavetenskap, elektroteknik, fysik eller liknande.
You have expertise in backend development, specialising in synthesis, STA, and power optimisation in semiconductors.
You have a Master of Science, Ph.D. or similar degrees in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Engineering Physics or equivalent.
We are excited to see you bring a Master’s degree in a relevant field.
At Ericsson, you’re not just an intern; you’re a vital part of our team. We encourage you to learn, lead, and make an impact.
You have an M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering, Communications Engineering or equivalent.
Brinner du för ekonomi och är redo att arbeta praktiskt för att driva hållbar förändring inom transportsektorn?